Sometimes, Interpreter Education Programs think they are ready for accreditation, but they overlook key criteria for complying with national standards. IEC conducts a Program Readiness Assessment (PRA) to advise programs on areas that might need development prior to application. A PRA involves a review of the following program components:
Each CCIE standard requires evidence to support the program's compliance, and this evidence includes spreadsheets, charts, website or promotional content, faculty search announcements, letters, meeting minutes, and other artifacts. Evidence is as critical as the SSR narrative that supports it, and without adequate evidence, compliance with CCIE standards is difficult (or impossible) for raters to confirm.
Programs need to start early in the SSR process creating evidence files that are factual, clear, and organized. CCIE raters will consult the evidence files and evaluate their validity for representing compliance with the standards. Meager, inadequate, or sloppy evidence files put favorable outcomes for accreditation at risk. IEC facilitates evidence compilation, creating visual representations of data. Programs have approximately one year to complete the SSR and submit it to CCIE for rating.
The Self Study Review (SSR) showcases your program with a detailed account of a curriculum that is delivered in compliance with CCIE standards (2019). The SSR addresses these ten major areas by which a program is evaluated for accreditation:
Within these ten categories, there are a total of 43 requirements the program must satisfy. The key to a successful SSR is a narrative that is written clearly in Academic English and is easy for the reviewers to navigate.
After CCIE rates the SSR, the Commission decides if a site visit is warranted. Usually, the same team of raters that evaluated the SSR will also attend the site visit. A team leader is assigned to the program, and planning the two-to-three day site visit begins. The Site Visit Team specifies what will be included in the visit based on any gaps that might have been noticed in the SSR and the evidence files. For example, a Site Visit Team may ask for additional evidence or ask the faculty to clarify parts of the SSR in order to absolutely determine compliance. The Site Visit Team submits a final report to the full Commission, which determines the outcome of the Self Study Review and Site Visit process.
Site visits typically include meetings with students, alumni, stakeholders, advisory boards, faculty, library personnel, various offices affiliated with the interpreting program, and institutional administrators. The Site Visit Team may also attend classes and tour facilities. Planning a site visit includes arranging for interpreters, scheduling meetings, and compiling additional evidence required by the Site Visit Team.
The PRA provides a low-cost determination about the best time for accreditation application. Supportive tasks involve a comprehensive infrastructure assessment of institutional support, faculty, facilities, curriculum, stakeholder involvement, and student services.
After the PRA confirms the program's readiness to apply for accreditation, the SSR package provides unlimited consultation for the year of Self Study Review. Supportive tasks include collaborative writing with program leaders, proofreading for clarity and consistency, evidence building, and organization of the final product.
Package 3 is available upon CCIE's determination that the program warrants a site visit. Supportive tasks include coordinating with program leadership and the CCIE Site Visit Team to ensure all requirements of the site visit are fulfilled.
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